Heretaunga College Heretaunga College

Coding Part 1 (1)

Course Description

This is a coding course where students will learn to design and create a website. The programming languages are HTML and CSS. It is about learning to write basic code from scratch, as well as a bit of image editing using Adobe Software. Those students who come with prior experience can / will be extended using Code Avengers. 

Our students should learn HTML because it is the fundamental web language used to build websites and web applications. It is easy to learn with a simple syntax, using tags to define elements like headings, paragraphs, images, and links. Learning HTML encourages creativity as students can design and build their web pages, experimenting with different styles for uniqueness.

Moreover, HTML introduces programming concepts such as tags and elements, providing a valuable foundation for understanding more complex languages. It also boosts problem-solving skills, as creating web pages requires logical thinking and the ability to handle design challenges effectively. Children benefit from visual problem-solving as they receive immediate feedback on the results of their code changes.

Understanding HTML promotes digital literacy, which is crucial in today's digital world where web pages and device displays are everywhere. Learning HTML empowers students to create digital content, enhances problem-solving skills, and paves the way for exciting tech-related career paths.

Big Question: What creative, online and international options does coding offer me in a digital world?

Learning Areas:

Year 10 Technology, Year 9 Technology


Coding Part 2 (2)