Heretaunga College Heretaunga College

Level 3 Pest Control

Course Description

This course is open to year 12 and 13 students. 

This programme cannot be selected as part of your course selection as it is a specialized programme, but it can be added to your timetable at the beginning of the year. The programme consists of learning about, and implemention of pest management strategies in the local community. This will include the set-up, checking and maintenance of traps, and other pest control methods. If you are interested in having the Pest Control programme as part of your timetable, you will need to meet with Mr Benge at the start of the year. He will be at the clubs and activities expo with more details.  

The Pest Control Programme will offer the following unit standards:

US29338 - 10 credits. This course is designed to train students how to set up and regularly check traps to control rural pest animals - rats, possums, hedgehogs, mice and stoats. Students will carry out monitoring to determine the pests animals present, and then determine the best method to trap those pests. Assessed through practical work and log book.

US229336 - 3 credits. This course looks into the lifestyles and living habits of pest animals in order to better understand how to manage them. Online Exam Style Assessment.

Learning Areas:

Careers & Transition