Heretaunga College Heretaunga College

Level 1 Te Ao Haka

Course Description Recommended Prior Learning

To be successful in this course we recommend a good keen sense of adventure and a passion for Te Ao Haka.

Te Ao Haka is a new subject at Heretaunga College which provides opportunities for students to engage with Māori culture, language, and traditional practice. Together, we will explore the various items performed in a Kapa Haka bracket, such as mōteatea, waiata ā-ringa, poi, and haka. We will learn about the whakapapa, conventions and style of each item, and learn about variations from iwi and hapu.

Students will be assessed on a live performance. This means that this class will form a Kapa Haka and learn a bracket. Throughout the year we will learn and rehearse our bracket, both in class and in noho marae, before performing in front of an audience. Our ambition will be for our class to compete at the Secondary Schools Kapa Haka Competition regionals in 2025.

This course will be assessed with two internal achievement standards worth six credits each, and a single external achievement standard worth four credits. Students can use this subject for Merit and Excellence endorsements.

Learning Areas:


					Contributions and Equipment/Stationery (Approximate)

A BYOD Device.