This course is suitable for students who are looking towards a university pathway. Junior Digi courses are strongly recommended. Students who have not completed any may be considered at the discretion of the Head of Department, Digi and Design Tech. Those who have no prior experience may struggle and will need to put in extra time and effort outside of the class time.
BIG QUESTION: What website conventions and trends can I apply to my own design?
This course involves the students continuing their learning of HTML and CSS using Code Avengers. They will use this knowledge to design and create a website for a given brief and specs. They will learn about usability heuristics and how humans and computers interact, and learn how to apply these to their own designs.
Technology, Digital Technology & Design
This course is made up of three different Achievement Standards, worth a total of 15 credits. There is one Internal and two Externals (although one of the internals is done in class and externally marked). Students doing this course need to be able to manage themselves and do self-directed learning.