Junior Precious Plastics (Semester 2)

Course Description

Big Question: How can we continue to use plastics sustainably?

In this course you will be exploring how we can continue to use the amazing properties of plastic materials but in a more sustainable way.

We will be making a range of products from waste plastics and exploring how this is being done in innovative ways around the world to combat the problem of plastic waste.

We will explore innovative ways to reduce, reuse, and recycle materials. 

You will be looking at how technology can help with this and how to address some of the issues that plastics have already created in our environment.

This course will have both written and practical components. You will help determine the direction of this class in the first week. Get those thinking caps on!

Assessment Information


Students will be assessed on their ability to communicate their knowledge, understanding and skills.

• Pre-structural - I need support to describe ideas and/or information.
• Uni-structural - I can describe an idea and/or information.
• Multi-structural - I can describe ideas and information.
• Relational - I link ideas and information together and explain my understanding.
• Extended Abstract - I apply my understanding to discuss my ideas in new ways.


Students will be assessed on their ability to develop their levels of thinking in a variety of learning experiences.

• Pre-structural - I need to support to think of an idea.
• Uni-structural - I can think of an idea.
• Multi-structural - I can think of several ideas.
• Relational - I link ideas together to organise my thinking.
• Extended Abstract - I apply my thinking in creative ways.