Junior Technology Business Enterprise (Semester 1)

Course Description

This is a semester-long course and will be offered in semester 1.

Big Question: How can I become a Business Entrepreneur through Technology?

This course will explore the possibilities of young people finding ways to get into the entrepreneurial market through the field of technology. You will get a feel for business creation and  learn the different elements of business design. You will explore way to find gaps in a market, researching the needs to perfect your product/service, finding cost effective ways to produce the product/service, as well as marketing the finished product to the potential customer/client.

Assessment Information


Students will be assessed on their ability to communicate their knowledge, understanding and skills.

• Pre-structural - I need support to describe ideas and/or information.
• Uni-structural - I can describe an idea and/or information.
• Multi-structural - I can describe ideas and information.
• Relational - I link ideas and information together and explain my understanding.
• Extended Abstract - I apply my understanding to discuss my ideas in new ways.


Students will be assessed on their ability to develop their levels of thinking in a variety of learning experiences.

• Pre-structural - I need to support to think of an idea.
• Uni-structural - I can think of an idea.
• Multi-structural - I can think of several ideas.
• Relational - I link ideas together to organise my thinking.
• Extended Abstract - I apply my thinking in creative ways.