Year 9 Drama (S2)

Course Description

The big question: What role does drama play in shaping our understanding of human experiences and emotions?

In Year 9 Drama you will be learning all about acting techniques, which include the technique of voice, body, movement and space. These techniques are the foundation of any good actor, whether you want to be in movies or on the stage. You will learn how to build a character, use space to create a scene, and even how to devise your own scene from scratch without a script. You will explore the drama elements, such as time, role, action, tension, and mood, which are the base for any good play. Join Year 9 Drama to build your confidence and experience performing on stage.

Recommended Prior Learning

This course has no recommended prior learning.


It is highly recommended you continue with Year 10 Drama if wanting to take this subject at NCEA Level One.

Assessment Information


Students will be assessed on their ability to communicate their knowledge, understanding and skills.

• Pre-structural - I need support to describe ideas and/or information.
• Uni-structural - I can describe an idea and/or information.
• Multi-structural - I can describe ideas and information.
• Relational - I link ideas and information together and explain my understanding.
• Extended Abstract - I apply my understanding to discuss my ideas in new ways.


Students will be assessed on their ability to develop their levels of thinking in a variety of learning experiences.

• Pre-structural - I need to support to think of an idea.
• Uni-structural - I can think of an idea.
• Multi-structural - I can think of several ideas.
• Relational - I link ideas together to organise my thinking.
• Extended Abstract - I apply my thinking in creative ways.