Year 9 Maunga to the Moana

Course Description

This is a year-long course to find out how the flow of water from the mountain to the ocean has nourished and sustained our ancestors. In this course you will learn about all the key areas of Science like Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Astronomy, and Geography through hands-on practical work. Gardening and horticulture will be the context through which we will learn these things. A large portion of this course will be spent outdoors in the garden/horticulture area where we will grow plants as part of learning. We will also spend time in the laboratory to learn how scientists do experiments. 

Some of the key things you will learn about are; in biology, learning how plants grow, dissecting flowers and investigating photosynthesis and germination. Chemistry will have you mixing soils, testing pH levels, and understanding the chemicals that life needs to flourish. Physics you will explore the forces at play in simple machines in gardening. Astronomy will take you to the stars, revealing how celestial bodies influence our seasons and planting cycles. Geography ties it all together, helping you understand the landforms and ecosystems that shape our environment.

Recommended Prior Learning

This course is for students who want to learn Science being in teh classroom and outdoors. This course will have a lot of outdoor learning, hands on and practical activities.

Assessment Information


Students will be assessed on their ability to communicate their knowledge, understanding and skills.

• Pre-structural - I need support to describe ideas and/or information.
• Uni-structural - I can describe an idea and/or information.
• Multi-structural - I can describe ideas and information.
• Relational - I link ideas and information together and explain my understanding.
• Extended Abstract - I apply my understanding to discuss my ideas in new ways.


Students will be assessed on their ability to develop their levels of thinking in a variety of learning experiences.

• Pre-structural - I need to support to think of an idea.
• Uni-structural - I can think of an idea.
• Multi-structural - I can think of several ideas.
• Relational - I link ideas together to organise my thinking.
• Extended Abstract - I apply my thinking in creative ways.